Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year - The Aftermath
Actually, it wasn't that bad. Most of my friends couldn't figure out what they wanted to do so I think most of them didn't do anything. A few of us decided that we wanted to have fun, but didn't want to be on the roads getting arrested. I had some over here and then we went to my sisters to briefly say hello to everyone. Then it was back here where we had a good time. We drank champagne at midnight (and a lot of other stuff the rest of the time), fired up the chimnea, fired off some cork-popper-thingies, played 3-man, and in general had fun but stayed safe.

I can't say the same for the house, though. It was trashed. It's not bad enough that I am trashing it after coming home and trying to get things reorganized everyone else decided to help out (trashing it, that is). So, waking up slightly hung over and having to clean the whole house was not very fun. But it's still better than waking up in Jail with Bubba (320 lbs of love) as your bed buddy.

Dr. 90210

So last night I am tired and flipping channels a bit. This is not something I do often, but I couldn't motivate myself to do anything else and I figured I would crash soon. I see a show like this and I just can't believe how many people are so vein and materialistic about themselves. There was a chick on there who was having liposuction for the THIRD time. Hello? Get your twinkie eating ass off the couch and go to the freaking gym.

And the things that these people are in there for... I just don't get it. Out of the eight or so people they showed only one had a legitimate reason for surgery. The rest of them were your typical plastic people found in Beverly Hills. How anyone can stand it I do not know.

Online Dating

Prior to coming back to TX I thought I would check a few of these things out. It saves me time from having to go to the bars to meet the wrong person..... not that I am opposed to going out, but I figured I would increase my odds prior to even getting home. Besides, unlike a lot of people I am not looking to find my ultimate match online. I am only looking to meet people. Should something happen beyond that then so be it.

I think that many people on there are looking for their ultimate match. I see this more-so in women than in men, and this applies to the non-cyber world as well. Women tend to have this idealistic vision of a relationship. They want to be in one. I don't know many men that are this way. I am not looking for a relationship, but I am not opposed to one, either. As I like to ask people - You don't leave your house looking for $20.00 bills on the sidewalk do you? But would you pick one up if given the chance? That's my philosophy.

But, for you women out there, don't think you don't have your demands. They all want tall-dark-and-handsome. Most women are looking for men that are over 5'10" tall (even if they are only 5'2"). They also want someone that is financially well to do, a great sense of humor, confident, self assured, romantic, honest and good looking. Mr. Perfect in other words. However, flip that around and I see the women get bent. All you men do is stereotype. Oh really? LOL

But there are a few things that get me about all of this:

#1 - being 50 lbs or more overweight is NOT an average or athletic body type. And I don't really care if you are 50lbs overweight as long as you aren't expecting a romantic involvement from me.

#2 - if you have kids, that is fine. I don't need to re-read an aggressive dissertation that you have kids, that they are your life and that you want someone to be a step-father to your kids. That's kind of a given. I don't mind if you have kids provided that you understand that I want to do things without the kids. I didn't get married and have kids so that I could do things without the kids....that was my choice, you made yours.

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