Monday, December 04, 2006

My Tax Dollars at Work

I read a post by Miss Carnivorous on her blog about helping out needy families during the holiday season. I started to reply to it, and then I got really worked up thinking about it. So I decided to write about it on my own site (Sorry Miss C). Click here to read the original post.

I do not give people cash handouts. I will buy you a gallon of gas. I'll buy you a sandwich. I'll give you a ride, but don't ask for money because I am not going to give it to you.

I'm in a 28% federal tax bracket. That doesn't account for any other local taxes which I pay. Effectively a fairly significant amount of my money goes to taxes. A large portion of that goes towards some type of welfare program. It pays for the soup-kitchen, the homeless shelters, and the illegal alien to reap the benefits of our civil services and medical benefits. I could go on, but I think you get my point.

I don't feel a need to give even more of my money away to people that have chosen to only be a part of the system in that they are a leach sucking the financial life out of people....and amazingly the democrats seem to support this, but I digress.

I do, however, participate in several programs for kids. I always take part in the toys-for-tots programs. I also go to the "angel tree" every year and buy about four or five things for kids that would otherwise not get presents. I also try to buy scout cookies, or participate in other charitable events that go towards children.

But do NOT ask me for money. You already get it.

1 comment:

Miss Carnivorous said...

Especially if you are pushin' mass density!