Saturday, October 21, 2006

More Political Fallout

I think my father said it far more eloquently than I could on his blog, Political Angst in America. Both sides of the political machine are gearing up and starting to sling mud. I don’t think it helps the issues and the people, I think it hurts them. For once, during my life, I’d like to vote for a president that I truly believe in rather than the lesser of two evils.

But here are a few links I’ve received in my mail over the last week.
This first one is something that most of us have known about for a while, but have probably turned a blind eye to. I seem to hear more about this from college campuses and to some extent I am far more lenient of this type of behavior in those situations. I figure you don’t have to pay the college to go there and deal with this. But in a public school I feel this is completely inappropriate no matter which side you follow. I feel that public school teachers have an obligation to teach children facts, and offer them guidance based upon those facts. I do not feel the public school system should be a delivery platform for you political agenda.

High School Student and Bush Bashing.

The next link is an article from Ann Coulter. If you are a liberal democrat you probably won’t want to read it. It isn’t very kind to liberals and doesn’t allow one to confuse emotions with facts. What I don’t understand is why liberals are so eager to allow the terrorists to have a fair shot at killing more people. Can someone answer me that question? I think socialist liberals forget that terrorists are not going to be part of their socialist system.

OJ Trials for Terrorists.


Anonymous said...

I heard about this case, and I don't agree with the judgment either. I believe it was a clear case of treason agains the US, and the consequences should be much more severe; a sentence of decades would be more appropriate.

However, I wouldn't say Ann Coulter was presenting just facts. One comment, in particular, treating terrorists like lambs, strikes me as false. We've all seen the pictures at guantanamo of the prisoners shackled hand and feet, on their knees with a black bag zip tied over their head. I would not call this nice treatment. To be perfectly honest, when I was doing military stuff, we captured a few realy bad guys, the ones who survived, and we never felt the need to do more than duck tape them, and maybe blindfold them, even when we were allowed to do much more.

-bRad said...

Hey Bling - always appreciate the commentary. I think where she was coming from, and I agree, is that the liberals want to give terrorist a slap on the wrist. I mean, let's fact it, most of us endured far worse treatment during college hazing than what the terrorists are facing.
You try to kill us, but heaven forbid that we don't give you 3hots and a cot...and then let you out to try all over again.

Maybe that's the key - these are not criminals in the traditional sense of the word. They have no desire to "reform" or fit into our system. They want to wipe us out with extreme prejudice.