Monday, July 17, 2006

Global Warming Disasters

A couple of interesting facts were pointed out to me by my father that I thought all the fanatics would be interested in:

1 - whazzhisface, Mr. Gore, dramatically states that it is warmer in his hometown now than when he was a boy. As it turns out, according to recorded history, it's actually cooler now. How could that be?

2 - the number of tornadoes that officially occurred in Tornado Alley this year during the tornado season were......drumroll please..... ZERO. That's right folks. Not ONE recorded tornado in tornado alley this year. How catastrophic is that?

3 - all of these scientist that agree with each other are talking about the ice shelfs breaking off and raising the sea level. Let's think about that for a moment. The ice shelf is FLOATING in the ocean. Let's try an experiment:
Take a glass of water
Put in a cube or two of ice
Mark the water level
Let the ice melt.
What happened? My guess is that unless you have aliens in your freezer making your ice cubes, you noticed that the water level didn't change. How odd. How is it that Gore and his scientists defy the laws of physics?

1 comment:

Miss Carnivorous said...

Besides, the added water in the ocean will dilute the pollution, won't it?? Just joshin'. Al is to be polite, a bit simple minded!