Monday, July 17, 2006

Freaking Noise!!

I have never been anywhere where it is this noisey all the time. You would think it would be nice and peaceful around here....but noooooooo!

I'm a bit of an insomniac. I have a lot of trouble falling asleep. When I do sleep, it's very erratic (perhaps erotic, but definitely erratic) and I often wake up repeatedly. So you could say I just don't sleep very well in general.

Everyone has a natural rhythm that they will fall into. It's called the circadian rhythm. If I was left to my own devices I would go to bed somewhere around 3:00 ~ 4:00am and get up about 10:00am.

That being said, we have to have the windows open because there is no A.C. Because the windows are open, the blinds have to be open or the wind rattles them all night long. This is not new, I have posted about this before.

If I am hydrating, as I was last night, I have to get up at least two times during the night to pee. you try sucking down a few liters of water right before you go to bed and see how long you can handle it.

About 4:00 am the sprinklers come on. This wakes me. It also wakes me up when they change cycles.

The sun starts coming up about 4:30am this also aggravates me and makes it difficult to sleep. So now I either have to close the blinds and windows and start getting hot or suffer through it.

At roughly 5:30am my roomies are getting up and moving about. It must be a northern thing but everyone up here slams doors. I'm not just saying that because I am irritated. I am telling you they just pull the doors two without regards to how hard they are shutting it. So WHAM, WHAM, WHAM all morning long.

Then there is all the construction going on. This kicks off about 6:30 ~ 7:00am. Big diesel trucks up and down the street, two-stroke engines, power saws, lumber being thrown around, hammering, nailing, beating, sawing, etc. I honestly cannot believe the amount of racket that these people cause and there doesn't appear to be a noise ordinance.

7:00am they start mowing the grass at the park across the street. Lawnmowers, weedeaters, blowers, etc. Fun fun!

My friends and colleagues start calling me about 7:30am. I think this is just rude. As a general rule I don't call people before 8:00am or after 10:00pm.

By 8:00am it's time to get up and I am now pissed off at the world and want nothing to do with my alarm clock, work, or anyone that will keep me from getting some sleep.

I haven't slept good in months.....


Montana Diva said...

Unfortunately, Brad, I can relate all too well. My current apartment is near a school that is under construction and they are using nail guns at 6 freakin' AM. To make things even better, the busiest 4-way stop in town is only a few blocks from my place as well and completely being re-done this summer. They are paving, chip sealing and all sorts of crap that requires heavy machinery and lots of noise at all hours of the day and night. And, I am the world's lightest sleeper!!!! Beep, beep, beep beep. So, I end up either not sleeping at all or resorting to OTC sleep aids just to catch a few winks so I can work the next day. And, for the record, my yard has those crazy ass automatic sprinklers also. You could set your watch by them. I need a vacation to get some rest!!

-bRad said...

I just can't believe how loud it seems to be here all the time. A little peace and quiet would be nice.