Crazy People On Airplanes and Penthouse
Let me take you back a few years ago. A friend of mine, and I, were on a return flight from a cruise in the Bahamas. I had the window seat, he took the middle and a guy sat on the isle seat. A few minutes into the flight he cracks open a Penthouse magazine and begins to thumb through it while the flight attendants start serving drinks.
After we get our beverages and are chilling out on the plane the guy completely freaks out, throwing the magazine into the isle, shaking the seats, screaming, etc. This was pre-911 and they had to drag the guy to the rear of the aircraft and subdue him. We never saw him again until we got off the plane.
Now let's go back just one week ago to my flight from DFW to Bozeman. One leg of this flight goes through Colorado. So I get on the plane and this older guy is sitting there with a Penthouse magazine. He must have asked me at least six times during a 2 hour flight if we were still on the ground or if we were there yet. Clearly he could hide his own Easter eggs, but at least he wasn't like the previous guy.
Personally, I find it highly unusual that anyone would read a magazine such as penthouse on a public flight. It doesn't bother me, but I don't think it's appropriate for small children that might see it.
So two flights, two penthouse magazines.....two crazy people. You be the judge!!!
More Global Warming Worries
While I was writing this Dateline and Tom Brokaw (sp?) did a special on Global Warming. It was great! They scared us with the melting ice and rising sea levels. They showed us how much Co2 an average family puts out. They talked about some things we could do to help reduce the Co2 output.
They didn't talk about the expanding ice caps.
They didn't talk about the fact that "nature" produces almost 10-times the amount of Co2 that people do.
They didn't talk about the fact that there is virtually no proof that Co2 causes global warming and that water vapor has a much larger impact on temperatures than Co2.
All that being said, is it a bad idea to be aware of it and that we should be trying to not impact our environment so much?
I guess looking at pictures of beavers arouses the animal in some males!!!
Pictures of beavers is OK, but I prefer the real thing. This time of year you can often see them swiming in the rivers and streams around here.
When I was in Canada, on Manitoulin Island, my ex and I went to see a waterfall, called the usual waterfall name, Bridal Veil Falls. Some native kids were swimming around in the pool, beneath the falls. There was a freshly killed beaver lying next to the pool and the rock used to bean it with. The kids had objected to sharing the pool with a beaver and dispatched it with no remorse. My ex, a taxidermist, grabbed the beaver and dragged it into the trees, pulled out the razor blade he kept in his wallet for such purposes and skinned it right there. A French tourist saw him dragging the body and said, "What are you going to do with it?" in horror. My ex, said "Beavers have beautiful skins and I am not going to waste this one, it's fresh!" He had his canadian friend tan the skin and send it to us and it was beautiful and so soft. Poor beaver!
In the old days, before the white man came, fires caused by lightning strikes burned throughout California and the southwest, uncontrolled by man. I wonder what effect those fires would have had on global temperature and air quality.
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