Global Warming IS happening and is catastrophic!!! When I left Montana it was 53 degrees and raining. People were looking at me strange for wearing shorts and an athletic t-shirt. So I fly to TX through Chicago (mental note - don't ever do that again). My friends picked me up at the airport and we grab my bags. Then, the double-doors at the airport slide apart and OH MY GOD!!! It was liking walking into a blast furnace!!! The ambient temperature had cooled off to 98 degrees and it was almost 9:00 at night!!
So what do we do? Naturally we go to a bar / restaurant to get a drink and a bite to eat. The place was packed so people could watch some guys beat each others brains in (professional boxing). I could care less, but we sat outside because it was too packed to sit inside. Everyone was remarking on how "nice" it was out there? 93 degrees? Are you HIGH? My quesadilla was curling at the edges from continuing to cook on my plate. I had to suck down the beer far faster than usual to keep it from evaporating or boiling over.
Of course, we didn't stop partying until about 5:30am. Glad to know that I can count on my friends to get me home "early." Needless to say I was pretty darned worthless come Sunday. And now, I am getting into my Europe Trip Mode. Gotta start the staging process and all that. I got my new camera, so I'll be posting pics, soon!
I knew this would happen. I knew I would get too used to being in Montana and the TX summer would kill me. Thank goodness I am traveling to Europe at the end of the week. It will be nice and cool there. How did I ever stand it before?
I just want to make sure I read correctly that you admitted you were wrong about anything, even if you were kidding. Now you know why people live in Montana or choose to spend their summers here. We love the nice middle of the road temps that accompany dog days. Evenings are cooler; open windows are our "air conditioning." And now, my dear, you are becoming one of us. . .
It's been really hot here in Denver too . . . 100 yesterday in the shade. But we have no humidty. Zilch. None. I grew up on the Mississippi River Delta pretty much. I need a few drops of moisture with my heat!
Saw Al Gore's movie last night. Thought it was really good. He's not using GW as a political tool. He's shows how it's not just corporations and oil (though that's a lot), but over population cutting down forests all around them, etc.
He shows how the weather has fluctuated for the last 600,000 years (scientists can track this in the ice and geology), and that Yes, there was a warming period in the Middle Ages, but it was nothing like what's going on now.
He has good answers to the GW debunkers. I think you'll be hard pressed to counter his evidence.
Have a safe trip to Europe. Remember, they've been having record heat waves over there too.
Here's a handy phrase in French:
Vous ette suprise que je parle votre langue?
It means, "You are surprised I speak your language." Too bad I can't say anything else. But I'd like to learn how to say that in all the major languages.
Whinge!Whinge!Whinge! lol Poor baby. Im with julie though, glad I was sitting down when you admitted you were wrong about something! Phew!
I figured I'd get a lot of flack over this one. But that is OK. I really couldn't believe it. No time to acclimate!
I had another friend tell me I wasn't a Texan anymore. The humidity is at least 30% of the equation here. When it's hot in Denver, or MT you can sweat and cool off. Not here. Doesn't work that way.
As for Bling! - I remember a day back in the middle of summer at a cook off. We are sitting about 20 feet from the pits, which are running about 220 degrees F. I think the ambient temperature that day was around 105F. Bling! is sitting in a lawn chair, and the sweat is pouring off of him. I ask him if he's hot, he says yes. Then I ask him if he likes it, and he says yes. He's nuts, ok?
BTW - I am planning on seeing the Gore film. Just not sure if I'll get to see it at the theater or have to rent it.
boiling in TX -
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